Autumn Box (12 bottles)
Are you also craving some smooth yet strong beers? Then there is the autumn box! Enjoy our beers while the leaves are falling from the trees. In this tasteful package of twelve bottles you will find the beer styles: hefeweizen, bock, saison, triple and quadrupel. In short, everything you need to enjoy yourself at home while it is chilly outside!
This package contains:
- 2x Naeckte Brouwers | Dirndl | Hefeweizen | 5,5%
- 2x Naeckte Brouwers | Naeckte Bock | Autumn bock | 7,5%
- 2x Naeckte Brouwers | Ruby | Red Ale | 4,7%
- 2x Naeckte Brouwers | Noorderlicht | Double saison | 5,5%
- 2x Naeckte Brouwers | Nimf | Tripel | 6,0%
- 2x Naeckte Brouwers | Elegast | Quadrupel | 10,0%